3 Things That Really Make Life Worth Living

What Makes Life Worth Living
By Lesya Li

Sometimes questions are more important than answers. – Nancy Willard

I came across one rather amusing post the other day saying: “My biggest fear is that when I die my husband will sell all my bags for what I told him, they cost…” My instant reaction was: Wow… REALLY?!

I assumed that that post was nothing but a joke and yet somehow it threw my mind into the vortex of thinking. And I was hell-bent to find things and experiences that make life worth living… Then another thought came knocking: “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” And a “baggage reclaim carousel” was rotating in my mind comically as I had a hard time believing that a soulless bag can be that special something to LIVE FOR…

I guess we grew accustomed defining ourselves regarding the things that we own – things that make us feel unique and worthy. Things that become an extended version of ourselves.

We also live our lives expecting “big moments” to come and blow our minds away so we can forget about our ordinary and boring day-to-day life… Does it sound familiar?

3 Things That Really Make Life Worth Living

1. Connecting & Relating

It’s not about just having people present in your life like anchors. It’s about the relationships we create, develop, support and maintain with people, colleagues, friends, and members of our family.
Every person we meet adds invaluable experience to our life. Even the most complicated relationships we find ourselves in teaching us something worthwhile.

friends quotes

2. Creating & Fulfilling Yourself

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, when our basic needs are met, what’s left on the menu is self-actualisation, and this is when the new question arises: What makes you tick? What gives your life a profound meaning? What do you feel the urge to fill your life with to feel accomplished?

The answer rests in the ability to create, to dream and to strive to turn those dreams into reality. It’s all about big and small achievements when we prove ourselves being able to push the limits away. It’s about discovering the depths of your unlimited potential.

The dedicated life is worth living. You must give with your whole heart. – Annie Dillard

Helping others, contributing, spreading kindness of your heart, learning something new, improving and deepening your understanding of the things you are already familiar with… are all those things that we start looking for to find our purpose.

time quotes

3. Travel & Discover

What Makes Life Worth Living? I find this question to be one of the most profound that ever existed.

It was a tough challenge for me to learn to appreciate each and single life experience I had and will have in the future… By doing so, by accepting what is going on and what happened, we release ourselves from oppressive judgments and wishes for things to pan out differently.

By accepting things the way they are and thanking them for making us wiser and stronger, we look for tomorrow with hope knowing that whatever life brings at our doorstep – we can use for our personal growth and advantage. By overcoming challenges, our life becomes an even more interesting place to live.

Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living. – Travis Barker

Travel and discover the world. Don’t be afraid to go out there and explore. Think about your dream traveling adventure and think what you can do today to make it happen?

In Conclusion

What is it that you can do today to enjoy your time to the fullest with the people you cherish and love?
Enjoy all the little things, and with time you will discover their profound meaning and that they weren’t little after all. Appreciate every minute of your life.

Remember: all the things and experiences that make you truly grateful to be alive are what makes your life worth living…

What do you love most about your life?

life is better when you are laughing